Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dan Cody ? When addressing mental health & guns, let's start with ...

I'm glad we're finally having a serious discussion about the mental health of people with access to guns.

Let's start with Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke.

The guy who runs as a Democrat at election time but kow-tows to Republicans. Who wears cowboy hats and spurs on his boots, yet reprimands his deputies when they are "out of uniform". The guy who sees himself as a "leader" but uses the language and debate tactics of a nine year old. He declared himself as accountable to no one and files lawsuits because he thinks the rules don't apply to him. He is the "shepherd" to the "sheep" in Milwaukee County. Clarke brags about protecting the public, but arrests fewer people than the local college police department.

I've said it numerous times before, but Sheriff Clarke is not only an embarrassment to the residents of Milwaukee County and the office of Sheriff, he is a bully who's viewpoints on society are so far out on the fringe that his fitness to serve should seriously be questioned. The latest example is this screed on a local Tea Party website:

Shame on liberals for exploiting tragedy once again in our country and try to use tragedy as a reason to take our rights away. ?Liberals are shameful.

We have to resist with the ferociousness of a junk yard dog, any, any attempt by liberals to make us less free by chipping away at our constitutional freedoms.

All the left is interested in is having the government control every aspect of our lives. ?Calling for gun control is just another aspect of furthering their socialist agenda.
All of these suggestions about the need for gun control are the mindset of sheep. ?Once the wolf is at the door, you?re helpless. ?Sure, run and hide from a sociopathic killer. ?See how far that gets you. ?You know where that ?ll get you? ?26 dead at Sandy Hook School.

You can read the entirety of his rant here. But the short version is: liberals, liberals, socialist, sheep and uzi's on every corner.

Clarke loves the limelight and part of me has always hoped that his ridiculous statements and positions over the years have been nothing more than a cry for attention.

But when you have a law enforcement officer acting out like this, it causes the same concerns about the mental health of the individual as it would if the writings were from a confused teenager looking to lash out against society for the perceived wrongs against him and exact some sort of sick payback.

While he'll get cheers from the predictable outlets for his rants, it's a serious cause for concern for the average resident of Milwaukee County.


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