Friday, May 25, 2012

Startup Incubator Provides Expert Services To Internet

PRLog (Press Release) ? May 24, 2012 ?
Entrepreneurs and struggling Internet business owners with a solid concept have a new friend to help make their eCommerce business a smashing success. is a tech startup incubator with experts from the Domain Name and Internet marketing and ecommerce business operations on staff.

Scott Alliy creator of the hugely successful online training search engine is spearheading the new dotcom incubator project and offering his own talents and resources to help Internet business startups get their online business off on the right foot.

By using the combvined talents, expertise, and resources offered by me and a select group of Internet business experts startup business owners can expect to ramp up their business faster and shorten the path to profitability says Scott.

Scott has created a four step business incubator system that includes the selection and use of one or more premium quality domain names owned by Allied Internet Solutions Inc. the parent company of

According to Scott and based on his own Internet business success name retention and the ability for consumers to remember and share your business name with others via Social Media and email and word of mouth is a key to having any measure of online business success.

Once an applicant has visited and applied and been accepted into the incubator program and chosen the domain name or names for their new busienss venture our team of Internet marketing and business experts swings into action to source funding and implement web designe and development and SEO and Internet marketing strategies says Scott.

By following our simple but powerful four step business incubator system we feel that businesses that we choose to partner with can shorten the business growt cycle substantially and reach profitability much faster says Scott.

We are not limiting the scope of businesses that we will consider for inclusion into our business incubator program says Scott however we are being highly selective to make sure that the startups we choose to help are ones who can gain the most benefit from the expertise and services that we offer.

For more information about the startu business incubator program and to apply to see if your Internet business startup qualifies for inclusion in the program and expert business assistance please visit

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Tags: coupons, domain name, domain names, domains, law, register, registrar, rules

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